Actionable Science for Urban Sustainability (AScUS)
Date and Time:
Monday, March 1, 2021, 12:21pm
Registration Deadline:
Monday, March 15, 2021, 12:21am
Just a few more days to submit your ideas for the AScUS Unconference!
The 2nd edition of the Actionable Science for Urban Sustainability unconference is asking for your contributions! For all interested or working in Urban Sustainability, we are accepting abstracts and discussion session proposals. These can be submitted in any format (audio, video, performance, and....?)
This is a great opportunity for those looking for a way to share their work, creative ideas or test concepts with an interdisciplinary audience in a unconference setting.
We would love to have some NAAEE / eePRO representation!!
Deadline for submittals is March 1.
feel free to contact me for further info or submit directly to the unconference web site.