PODCAST: Office of Disaster Assistance Adapts to Climate Change

2 by 2 grid of photos. Starting the from the top right, going clockwise, a photo of a flooded road, a profile phoo of a person, a photo of a flooded residence, and the SBA logo

What is the office of disaster assistance? Associate Administrator for the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Office of Disaster Assistance Francisco Sanchez Jr. answers. In episode  167 of America Adapts, Doug Parsons hosts Francisco Sanchez Jr. We also discuss how climate change is requiring them to evolve their mission.

SBA is actually a major funder of disaster preparedness, an increasingly important part of any adaptation response for communities. We also learn about Francisco’s previous experiences doing similar disaster work in Houston, Texas. He has some riveting stories as the city was preparing for Hurricane Harvey to make landfall. It’s a great episode and you get to hear how a federal agency is stepping up on the issue of climate change.