Free Virtual Classroom Program - Scientists in Action: Amazing Arachnids


Want to take your students on an amazing field trip? Join the Denver Museum of Nature & Science for Scientists in Action, a FREE virtual experience for classrooms, homeschools, youth groups and libraries that you can connect to from anywhere.  

Scientists in Action connects students directly with scientists during a live, interactive broadcast from field sites or research labs. During these free, 45 minute Q&A sessions, scientists demonstrate research techniques, share new discoveries, demystify the scientific process, and open a window into science careers. Our May Scientists in Action broadcast is on May 16th, with sessions at 9am, 10am, 11am and 1pm Mountain Time. 

While some people might run the other way at the sight of a spider, Dr. Paula Cushing gets excited. As the curator of invertebrate zoology at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, Dr. Cushing’s research focuses on arachnids, a class of eight-legged animals that includes spiders, daddy longlegs, and scorpions. Dr. Cushing is particularly fascinated by camel spiders, a group of animals that are actually neither camel nor spider. These close relatives of spiders are being studied by only a handful of scientists in the world, so there is still a lot to discover about these mysterious creatures. Join Dr. Cushing as we investigate the clues she’s gathering in the arachnology collection and learn how you can search for spiders and other arachnids in your own backyards and neighborhoods.


  • Recommended 4-12th (all grades welcome)

Date and Times

  • Thursday, May 16 at 9 a.m., 10 a.m., 11 a.m., and 1 p.m. All times are Mountain Time.

Program Length

  • 45 minutes


  • Participating in this electronic field trip is FREE at this time.

Equipment requirements

  • Desktop Software - computer connected to the internet with a webcam, external microphone, and external speakers. The Museum will provide a free video conferencing application.