Documentary 'The Sequel: What Will Follow Our Troubled Civilization?'

Moderator Endorsed: Conservation & Behavior Change
Moderator Endorsed: Conservation & Behavior Change
The Sequel
The Sequel

THE SEQUEL: What Will Follow Our Troubled Civilization? shines a light on the work and legacy of an amazing man: David Fleming. David was a historian, economist, and ecologist who dared to re-imagine a thriving civilization after the collapse of our current mainstream economies and inspired the Transition Towns movement.

Around the world, people develop the skills, will and resources necessary to re-imagine civilization, often in the ruins of collapsed mainstream economies. We encounter extraordinary projects and people from four continents, from the likes of renegade economist Kate Raworth, conservative philosopher Roger Scruton and Gaian ecologist Stephan Harding to localization revolutionary Helena Norberg-Hodge, eco-pioneer Jonathon Porritt and philanthropist composer Peter Buffett, among many others.

They are cultivating a resilience not reliant on the impossible promise of eternal economic growth; developing diverse, satisfying, convivial contexts for lives well lived.

61 minutes. DVD Includes SDH captions for the deaf and hard-of-hearing, and scene selection.


Directed by Peter Armstrong

Available for Educational Institutions from Bullfrog Films at

Community Screenings available from Bullfrog Communities at