Cyberchase: Mobile Adventures in STEM Uses the Power of Mobile Media to Engage Families in Learning Together


Bilingual pilot program funded by National Science Foundation uses text messages to deliver fun, environmental science and math activities for kids and parents based on Emmy Award-winning PBS KIDS series. Research shows the initiative’s positive impact for low-income families, including Spanish speakers (Read the full News Release)

A new study suggests that smartphones can be a promising tool for supporting families in learning about math and the environment. Cyberchase: Mobile Adventures in STEM is a new pilot program aimed at advancing STEM learning in 6-8-year-olds by helping parents from underserved communities, including low-income families and Spanish speakers, engage with their children in fun, hands-on environmental science and math activities. Research shows that children from low-income families, including many Spanish-speaking families, are underrepresented in STEM coursework and careers. There is an ongoing need to provide early exposure and help these families and others engage in STEM learning at home.

Funded by the National Science Foundation, the six-week Cyberchase: Mobile Adventures in STEM program, created by WNET and Education Development Center, combines the impact of Cyberchase, the Emmy-winning PBS KIDS STEM series, with the potential of texting to effectively deliver engaging, informal math and science-based lessons. A pilot study shows the campaign was successful in encouraging families to spend time learning together while boosting their knowledge about caring for the environment.

To learn more, download the full News Release: Cyberchase: Mobile Adventures in STEM.