Climate Fiction and Nonfiction Reading Guide

Moderator Endorsed: Climate Change Education
Moderator Endorsed: Climate Change Education
Cover of the Climate Generation reading guide with photo of a woman with glasses reading
Reading Guide Cover

The Climate Fiction and Nonfiction Reading Guide developed by Climate Generation will help you bring climate change books to your English/Language Arts classes, book clubs, science classes, and beyond. Climate change fiction and non-fiction books are included, along with book summaries, reading levels, discussion questions, and relevant news articles to bring the content to life.

Updated in 2022, the guide includes:

  • a new introduction that reflects current research and understanding of the importance of climate fiction and its relationship to climate justice.
  • the addition of elementary-level picture books.
  • 24 new book titles complete with summaries and notes to help you consider what may be a good fit for your students.
  • an all-new Appendix section featuring discussion questions, action guides, and a list of additional book titles to help you find more climate reading.

Download the guide here