AK EnergySmart Free Curriculum
AK EnergySmart (AKES) is a free K-12 curriculum designed by Alaskans to raise energy literacy in the Arctic. Through interdisciplinary lessons that investigate how energy is all around them, why we need energy and how energy can be conserved, this curriculum gives students valuable insights they can pass along to their families. The lessons guide youth to a better awareness of how they use energy, and the importance of taking measures to use energy wisely both at home and school. AK EnergySmart lessons are broken into K-2, 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12 lessons that are all available online to download for free.
The 24 AK EnergySmart lessons are available for free to download online. The lessons are meant to be incorporated into existing units and are not as stand-alone units. They can also be used for after-school activities or other informal education. For educators in Alaska, there are also energy education kits that can be mailed to you at no charge. Renewable Energy Alaska Project, who currently manages the website and curriculum, also provides teacher trainings in Alaska.
The AKES curriculum was developed for the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation by the Alaska Center for Energy and Power and Renewable Energy Alaska Project. The lessons are aligned with the Alaska Grade Level Expectations and the Next Generation Science Standards for ease of use by teachers.