Connections Feed


The Cathedral District, located in the urban core of Jacksonville, Florida is adjacent to the downtown business district. It offers a unique energy and atmosphere. Currently the residential population is less than 2,000 and there are few businesses. The thirty-six square block area is anchored by five historic Christian churches whose leaders are as committed to the city’s needs as they are to their worshiping members. Over the past 30 years the churches have served disadvantaged populations and created nonprofit organizations to serve children, women, families, and the homeless. Cathedral District-Jacksonville, Inc. became a Florida nonprofit organization in 2016 to address community needs. There are three distinct challenges related to development of the Cathedral District. Each challenge requires creative thinking. Prioritizing how to take the best steps forward is the primary objective for bringing people together for dialogue. To the degree Cathedral District Jacksonville, Inc. can make progress on each of the challenges, those who, live, work, worship and visit the area will benefit. Challenge 1 Focus on Alternative Parking Strategies Challenge 2 Create a Walkable Environment Challenge 3 Rally Community Willpower

Resource Category:

Activity, Book

This issue guide was written for Bradford County, Florida residents interested in deliberating choices regarding involvement in community planning and enhancement. The guide presents three areas to which residents can be actively engaged: relationship building, workforce development, and comprehensive planning. The overarching questions for deliberation: • What will it take for Starke and Bradford County residents to actively participate in local and regional democratic activity? • How can all residents feel welcome in community decision-making? • What will the impact of the new bypass be on the community? • What should we do? What actions should be taken?

Resource Category:

Activity, Book
NAAEE Higher Education Accreditation

NAAEE Accreditation: Distinguished College and University Programs formally recognizes high quality college and university programs that consistently prepare well–qualified environmental educators who possess the understanding, skills, and dispositions associated with environmental literacy, as well as the ability to apply them in their educational practices. For more information, including a set of Frequently Asked Questions about accreditation, visit

Resource Category:

NAAEE Publication
NAAEE Accreditation

NAAEE's Accreditation: Distinguished College and University Programs provides a means for recognizing institutions of higher education that provide programs that prepare high quality environmental education professionals. Applications for accreditation are based on a Self-Study Audit describing the program and how it addresses each of the six themes included in the Professional Development of Environmental Educators: Guidelines for Excellence in terms of program design and participant assessment. Because accreditation examines both how the program design is aligned to the Guidelines Themes and how program participants are assessed against those same Guidelines Themes, you will need to provide assessment data for at least two years. New programs should wait to submit their Self-Study until they have at least two years of assessment data. If more than one program is being submitted for accreditation, a separate application should be made for each program.

Resource Category:

NAAEE Publication

Do you teach environmental education at the college or university level? Are you responsible for delivering staff development? Learn how to get started creating professional development workshops focused on each of the five Guidelines for Excellence publications.

Resource Category:

Classroom, Lesson Plan, NAAEE Publication
NAAEE Publication

INDIVIDUAL PUBLICATIONS CAN BE PURCHASED SEPARATELY. The Guidelines for Excellence Series Set includes six publications providing recommendations for a variety of different topics, including community engagement, instructional materials development, and the design and implementation of environmental education programs.

Price: $79.95

NAAEE Accreditation formally recognizes high quality college and university programs that consistently prepare well–qualified environmental educators who possess the understanding, skills, and dispositions associated with environmental literacy, as well as the ability to apply them in their educational practices. For more information about the Accreditation process, visit

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In partnership with the Kettering Foundation and the National Issues Forums Institute, NAAEE has been developing the Environmental Issues Forums program. NIFI recently published a forum moderator toolkit. We invite you to hold a forum on climate, water, energy, or food issues. How to Get Started: Visit to download issue guides and the Toolkit for conveners and moderators. You can also convene an Online Forum Using the Common Ground for Action Platform or Join a Scheduled Online Forum Please visit for more information about how to host, and view the schedule of online forums.

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Here's your chance to learn more about NAAEE's Environmental Issues Forums and to participate in a deliberative online forum focusing on climate change. Common Ground for Action (CGA) allows small groups to learn more about an issue, examine options for dealing with the issue, weigh tradeoffs, and find common ground, with beautiful visuals that let participants actually see their conversation evolve. The next scheduled forum will be held January 15th @1:30pm ET/10:30am PDT. To learn more about CGA, visit

Date and Time:

Tuesday, January 15, 2019, 1:30pm

University of Florida IFAS Extension works with partners to engage nontraditional audiences in environmental education and conservation programs such as Extension-led citizen science projects. Several of these programs will be highlighted to show how you can work with your local Extension program on conservation and environmental education.