Survey for Freelance Environmental Educators


This is an investigation into the contributions freelance educators make to lifelong learning in informal learning environments. This research focuses specifically on the contributions of freelance informal educators working in natural resource fields and environmental education. The focus is on freelance informal educators because they are uniquely positioned to create change in communities. 

The first phase of this investigation was conducted Spring 2018. The second phase launched during the NAAEE conference in Spokane and includes the first steps to understanding the diversity of freelance informal educators working in natural resource fields and environmental education.

Are you a freelance informal educator whose work connects people with plants, nature, and related topics? 

For this study, a “freelance informal educator” is defined as someone who does not receive income as an employee (W-2 income) for the programs, products, or learning experiences they create. Freelance educators, like other freelancers, work one project, one event, or one gig at a time. If this describes you, please consider sharing your story and completing the survey. Your anonymous responses will be grouped with other anonymous responses during the analysis of this survey.

Contact Name:

Tania Marien

Contact Phone:

(951) 384-1465

Contact Email: