Driving Mobility and Accessibility on Public Lands Grant


Registration Deadline:

Friday, July 8, 2022, 11:00pm



With support from Toyota Motor North America, the National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) is pleased to announce $300,000 in grant funding to make public lands more accessible and enjoyable for Americans of all abilities.

Applicants can request up to $20,000 for mobility and accessibility projects that will be completed in 12 months. Projects must take place in one of the following 14 states to be eligible: Alabama, Arizona, California, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia.

Through the 2022 Driving Mobility and Accessibility on Public Lands grant, NEEF aims to:

  • Increase the capacity of local organizations to address mobility and accessibility considerations on public lands and waterways;
  • Improve the level of access, comfort, and enjoyment experienced by public lands visitors of all abilities together with their families and friends.

The deadline to submit your application is 11:45 pm (EDT) on July 8, 2022.

How to apply/register:


  • Applicants can request up to $20,000 for mobility and accessibility projects that will be completed in 12 months.
  • Describe how requested funds will support projects that address mobility and accessibility on public lands*, including:
    • Assessment of physical space accessibility barriers and/or barriers to access accessibility information (on-site or digital);
    • Physical improvement projects that remove accessibility barriers;
    • Improvements to accessibility information provided on-site or through websites; and
    • Design or implementation of assistive technology that will enhance mobility and accessibility on the public lands site, for example the Action Track Chair (all terrain hiking mobility device) or the EZ Launch (a universally accessible kayak launch).
  • Describe how people with disabilities will be included in project planning.
  • Applicants should use Inclusive Universal Design (definition below) in the design and implementation of accessibility improvements and describe how the project goes above and beyond the minimum design guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • Provide a detailed timeline of when programming/activities will take place during the grant year.
  • Provide a detailed list of the project team including partners and accessibility experts/advocates who will be responsible for implementing grant activities. 
    • Optional: provide a Project Team Letter(s) of Support from those listed under the project team section of the application who will be responsible for implementing grant activities. Letter should include the nature, structure, history, and/or current activities of your partnership, as well as accessibility knowledge and expertise the team member/organization will be providing to the project.
  • Provide a plan for how the project will be marketed to the community and specifically to individuals with disabilities, as well as service and advocacy organizations that serve people with disabilities (for example, through outreach or an event).
  • Provide a plan for how activities/improvements will be maintained/sustained after the grant period has ended.

NOTE: Applicants will need to review and approve a disclaimer in the application related to in-person volunteer activities.

*Public lands are any federal, state, local, county, or regional land or waterway held in the public trust. Examples of public lands can include (but are not limited to) national forests, national parks and monuments, national wildlife refuges, and state/local lands that are accessible to the public, such as state parks and forests, community gardens, and urban green spaces. For this grant, NEEF's public land work is focused on lands that are owned by the public and/or supported by tax dollars, not just open for public use.