Call for Submissions – Special Issue “Water Literacy and Education”


Date and Time:

Friday, November 15, 2019, 5:46pm

Contributions are invited for a Special Issue of the journal Water (ISSN 2073-4441) focused on water education efforts to foster water literacy. Submissions should describe research on the design, implementation, and impact of innovative water education programs that support learners to develop understanding of core horological concepts and relationships between water and human activities. Such programs might include K-12 or postsecondary curricula or courses, outreach programs with youth or adults, preservice teacher education, and/or professional development with K-12 educators, informal educators, or postsecondary faculty, each of which may focus on education about some aspect(s) of natural and/or managed water systems. Please see the journal’s special issue website for more information. This is a wonderful opportunity for NAAEE community members to showcase their empirically-based water education programs. The submission deadline is May 13, 2020.