Nordic Outdoor Model of Education - N.O.M.E. Study Tours


NOME Study Tours - Nordic Outdoor Model of Education 

Welcome to Denmark! The land of legends and the birthplace of the concepts of Forest School/Forest Kindergarten and Adventure Playgrounds and now Udeskole! 

With N.O.M.E. we are exploring multiple facets of Nordic Outdoor Model of Education and forest kindergartens are just a part of the whole picture we are trying to convey. On this tour we will visit Forest Kindergartens, Adventure Playgrounds, natural playscapes, along with Udeskole and Friluftsliv environments demonstrating the cultural underpinnings of the Nordic Model of N.O.M.E. so your can understand how this translates from the early years to primary years upwards to the society as a whole. 

Our tours are gears towards educators, policy makers and change makers who wish to make a difference in the lives of children.