Webinar: New Ideas for Moving Place-Based Learning Online

Video Recording
laptop sitting in grass, images of nature coming out of screen

Hours for Learning Activity:

1 learning hour

Date and Time:

Tuesday, September 29, 2020, 1:00pm

Registration Deadline:

Tuesday, September 29, 2020, 2:15pm

Tuesday, September 29, 1-2:15 PM ET - RECORDED

Watch this webinar in our series of looking at how we can move place-based education online, given the impact of COVID-19. We heard from our colleagues at the Bureau of Land Management and the Kansas Association for Conservation and Environmental Education for innovative ideas about how to ensure that we use the power of technology and the power of education to deliver effective environmental education programming online. We highlighted some of the thinking that goes into adapting face-to-face learning and some of the tools that can make our programming come alive. 


Rachel Sowards Thompson
Education Program Lead
BLM Division of Education, Cultural, and Paleontological Resources

Luise Woelflein
Public Programs & Statewide Support Coordinator
BLM Campbell Creek Science Center

Laura Downey
Executive Director
The Kansas Association for Conservation and Environmental Education 

Contact Email:


Contact Name:

Anne Umali