Impact of COVID-19 on Attitudes toward Animals: Framing Effective Messages


Date and Time:

Tuesday, August 11, 2020, 1:00pm to 2:30pm


Free Webinar, Tuesday, August 11, 1-2:30 PM EDT 

Julie Henry, President, Finish Line Leadership
Terry O’Connor, Principal Consultant, Terry O’Connor Consulting LLC
Nette Pletcher, Founder, Beez Kneez Creative 

How has our collective human experience with COVID-19 affected people’s attitudes toward animals and nature? As we begin to reunite with our guests in-person (and continue to connect with global audiences through our online programming), zoo and aquarium educators need to re-frame messages around the basics: the interdependence of people and wildlife, importance of connection to nature, and the value of science. 

Join us for this first in a series of webinars in partnership with AZA's Conservation Education Committee designed to build a community of practice as we discuss the opportunities and challenges of interpreting conservation during this tumultuous time. We will explore framing effective messages both internally for volunteers, staff and Board members and for our guests, social media audiences, our donors and our community.

