Webinar: Teach-in on Climate and Justice Examples from Africa


The WorldWide Teach-In on Climate and Justice offers weekly professional development webinars on teaching climate for non-experts every Wednesday at 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. Eastern Time. Topics vary each week, so see below for upcoming webinars’ descriptions, registration links and other resources:

1. Webinar: Teach-in Examples from Africa
    When: Wednesday, December 14 | 10 a.m. Eastern Time

During the 2022 Worldwide Teach-in on Climate and Justice, there were more teach-ins in Africa than on any continent outside North America. These Teach-ins created awareness about the climate crisis and built capacity among vulnerable communities in Africa to advocate for just solutions. Hear from Teach-in organizers from the African Network of Young Leaders for Peace and Sustainable Development (ANYL4PSD), Green Growth Africa (formerly ISNAD) and Green Africa Hope. They will report on their 2022 Teach-Ins and discuss their plans for 2023.

Register here for the webinar 

2.  Learn more about our work:

For all inquiries regarding our upcoming webinars and WWTI please email Tobias Hess, WWTI's education campaign manager, at thess@bard.edu


Thank you for being a part of our growing community of climate educators. Please share these opportunities with your colleagues!

Eban Goodstein Ph.D. and David Blockstein, Ph.D.
Co-Directors, Worldwide Teach-in on Climate and Justice