Program Manager

The deadline for this job has passed and it is not visible on the eePRO Jobs page.

Deadline to Apply:

Monday, January 15, 2018, 6:30pm


Basalt, CO
United States

Job Category:


Job Type:



The Program Manager will report directly to the Executive Director and will oversee RFOV’s field based volunteer trail and restoration projects as well as outreach to project partners and project related fundraising.  This position requires excellent managerial, planning, and leadership skills; independence and accountability in decision-making; organizational skills in logistics and time management; developing and adhering to project budgets; developing and maintaining relationships with project partners; some fund raising; and a proven ability to instruct, lead, and motivate people in backcountry settings.

How to Apply:

For more information on job summary, qualifications, and how to apply, please visit or visit the Program Manager description here.