Executive Director
The deadline for this job has passed and it is not visible on the eePRO Jobs page.
Deadline to Apply:
Monday, April 4, 2022, 11:00pm
Job Category:
Job Type:
The Ogden Nature Center is seeking its next executive director to lead this award-winning nonprofit organization in fulfilling its mission, ensuring its continued community engagement and financial health.
The Executive Director (ED) is responsible for leading and managing the staff and operations of the Ogden Nature Center (ONC) in accordance with its strategic plan under the guidance of the Board of Directors. The ED shall secure the resources necessary to fulfill ONC’s mission, annual operations, and capital projects by cultivating financial and community support from individuals, foundations, corporations, educational entities, organizations, and governmental entities. Ensuring the proper management of the facilities, land, and property, the ED shall work towards continued improvements to visitor amenities and programs.
The ED shall work closely with the Board of Directors to ensure the strategic plan and other plans are current, relevant, and updated as necessary and will provide the support needed to the board to ensure quality governance and strategic planning.
How to Apply:
Interested candidates are asked to submit a cover letter, resume, and list of at least three professional references. Please send in a single PDF to the search committee at jobs@ogdennaturecenter.org. For questions, contact Mary McKinley, director@ogdennaturecenter.org
For information about the position visit https://www.ogdennaturecenter.org/images/pdfs-doc/Exective_Director_Job_Announcement_2022.pdf