Education Program Coordinator, Park Nurseries
The deadline for this job has passed and it is not visible on the eePRO Jobs page.
Deadline to Apply:
Monday, February 20, 2017, 5:15pm
Job Category:
Job Type:
The Nursery Education Program Coordinator is engaged in the projects and priorities of the Nursery Program while overseeing and delivering quality education programming at each of the nursery locations. Program coordination is done in close partnership with National Park Service and nursery colleagues, and through the mentoring and managing interns in program delivery. The Coordinator cultivates strong relationships with park partners, teachers, schools, and community groups. The ideal candidate has previous experience teaching ecological and/or scientific concepts to a diversity of youth, is enthusiastic and adept at teaching and inspiring a multicultural audience, and is committed to equitable access to quality learning opportunities.
Full description and application instructions at