Moderator Endorsed: Affiliates
Moderator Endorsed: Affiliates

Upcoming Affiliate Professional Learning Opportunities

Affiliate Engagement Webinar: Connecting to NAAEE and the Affiliate Network
NAAEE and the Affiliate Network Steering Committee are working on a number of strategies to improve communication across the Affiliate Network, facilitate shared learning among Affiliates, and support the development of resources that benefit all Affiliates, regardless of your capacity. Please join us for a webinar on February 20 at 3pm ET to learn more about our priorities for 2018, the most effective ways for you to stay connected and get involved, and what kinds of tools are available for you to use right now to bolster your impact! This webinar is designed especially for NAAEE Affiliate leaders, including staff and board members—please encourage them to join. You can register here:

Capacity Building Opportunities with Center for Diversity & the Environment
The Center for Diversity & the Environment (CDE) is pleased to be partnering with NAAEE for a second year through the ee360 training and capacity building program. We’re delighted to offer some opportunities to help NAAEE Affiliates increase cultural competency and become more inclusive and relevant to the diverse communities in which you work.
To find out more about CDE’s programs and services please visit our website at
With ee360 support CDE will be offering the following training formats in 2018:

  • 6-hour facilitated session at one conference or with one group [Must be delivered before May 1st]
  • 3-hour facilitated trainings at 2 state-wide environmental education organization conferences
  • 3-day capacity building trainings and/or strategy development in diversity, equity and inclusion for 2 Affiliate organizations

Please let us know if you want to work with CDE in 2018. All program costs are covered by ee360. Email Queta González with subject line “Affiliate ee360 Request” by February 9.

Community EE Fellowship: Now Taking Applications!
Looking to affect change in your local community with your environmental project? Apply NOW for the ee360 Community EE Fellowship! Prospective fellows will create an EE Action project concept as part of their application. Selected fellows will receive support from NAAEE and the ee360 team through professional development resources, networking opportunities, and a scholarship to attend #NAAEE2018 in Spokane, WA this October. Learn more about the requirements and apply by Thursday, March 1, 11:59 PM ET. Open to residents of North America. Visit: