eeCREDENTIALS Start-Up Grant

eeCREDENTIALS Start Up Grant RFP & Informational Webinar Recording


As a part of Year 1 of ee360+, NAAEE requests proposals from NAAEE Affiliates for eeCREDENTIALS start-up grants. These grants are intended to assist Affiliates to build the required digital infrastructure and prepare to deliver approved online courses and microcredentials (eeCOURSES and eeCREDENTIALS) at the state, provincial, and regional levels.


The new eeCREDENTIALS program is designed to advance professional learning in environmental education, allow for customization to the needs of individual educators, and build capacity for all Affiliates through collaboration. Before applying for this start-up grant, Affiliates should read the guidance document for eeCREDENTIALS to fully understand the eeCREDENTIALS program and the expectations and requirements for participation. The guidance document was developed by a team representing Affiliates in various stages of interest and experience with eeCREDENTIALS and NAAEE staff.

To see the full RFP including requirements and deliverables is available here.  Applications are due July 22nd by 11:59pm PT



eeCREDENTIALS Start-up Grant RFP

Webinar Slides