The time for action is now. Our planet is in a perilous and dangerous state. Government alone cannot solve our current biodiversity and climate crises. As the only conservation organization to focus on corporate contributions to biodiversity, employee engagement and community relations, we know the significant positive impact corporations and their partners are making to the future of the environment. But we can, and must, do more. Join leaders in corporate social responsibility, environmental health and safety, sustainability, government agencies and NGOs – and gain relevant and timely insight into the issues facing corporate conservation today. The time to act is now. What will your role be?

US Regional GLOBE Student Research Symposia provided 800+ students, most fully funded and from underserved and underrepresented groups, with the opportunity to share their GLOBE research projects with peers and STEM professionals. Presenters share 2019 evaluation summary, the challenges in creating these equitable and welcoming events, and our solutions.

Games that model ecosystems provide an enjoyable way for students to become more comfortable thinking at the systems level, a necessary skill for understanding environmental problems and solutions. Attendees will receive a list of ecosystem games, details for several games, and suggestions for adapting them to other systems

Understanding data is a key component of environmental literacy, yet many students and teachers still feel uncomfortable working with data. In 2012, the Asombro Institute for Science Education and the Jornada Basin LTER in Las Cruces, New Mexico founded Desert Data Jam as a data-literacy and communication competition for high-school students. The competition introduces students to many NGSS data literacy practices, including developing models, analyzing and interpreting data, and obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information. The Data Jam model engages students with local or regionally collected scientific or community specific datasets and teaches students how to analyze, and communicate the findings of that data in a creative, meaningful way to them(i.e. painting, song, or dance).

Come learn about NAAEE and NOAA's new partnership, eeBLUE. Together, we’re building capacity for environmental literacy by strengthening professional networks, disseminating best practices, and supporting high-quality STEM education.

At the Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County, we are proving that industry and nature can coexist! During this presentation, participants will learn why the SWA Greenway Trail System was created and how we connect place-based environmental education with solid waste management and the importance of conserving natural resources.

Aquatic macroinvertebrate keys tend to be rather generic. I’ve created a template to make watershed-specific identification posters and pollution indices. Come get your copy and we’ll go step-by-step through creation of a tool for the critters in your watershed.


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