Middle & high school programs
The Wikiwatershed.org community toolkit features STEM resources to promote systems thinking, data collection, and interactive technologies, including online Model My Watershed GIS modeling, EnviroDIY stream sensors, a micro site runoff simulation, Monitor My Watershed, international Leaf Pack Network, the Water Quality mobile app, scientific data gathering processes, and watershed curricula.
Stroud Water Research Center
Stroud Water Research Center
Rainforest Alliance’s hands-on lessons to help students think critically about global ecosystems and sustainability while addressing the Common Core State Standards (English language arts and math) and NGSS.
Rainforest Alliance
Learn more about becoming a Certified Phenology Leader in your community! Join us for a discussion of the Nature’s Notebook Local Phenology Leader Certification Program, bringing educators together with new audiences, natural resource managers, practitioners, and other leaders across the US who are teaching about climate change through citizen science.
USA National Phenology Network
Exciting ecological research happening across the Americas provides meaningful resources for learners to more fully understand their local environment in relevant ways. Utilizing the Long Term Ecological Research Program’s network resources, and the Next Generation Science Standards EQuIP rubric, we will demonstrate the effectiveness of ecological phenomena to naturally provoke higher-level thinking.
Arizona State University
In Greece, a network of small, locally adaptable Environmental Education Centers survived the economic crisis and has been commended for innovative practices (CEDEFOP, 2012). This presentation discusses the institutional, structural and pedagogical characteristics that contributed to this result.
McGill University
Come explore a resource-linked climate change concept map to learn more about causes, impacts, and solutions. Navigate to your areas of inquiry: vetted K–16 activities, effective instructional methods, science and engineering practices. Consider how a weather/climate strand map can support your work. Advise further development. Receive links to both maps!
Museum Institute for Teaching Science
As part of NAAEE’s eeWORKS, we conducted a systematic literature review on climate change education. We will briefly describe common themes and examples of effective climate change education and help you apply these findings to your programs. Come ready to discuss your climate change program ideas!
University of Florida
Daily highs for 122 summer days, for 330 US cities in 48 states, have risen 10.5°F per century since 1995. Learn about cities near you. Explore how to use this data in your work and to influence policy. Get handouts and a CD with a library of related resources.
Citizens Climate Lobby