Organizational membership | eePRO @ NAAEE

The home of environmental education professional development

Organizational membership

Membership has been a big topic of discussion among many of our affiliates lately. I am interested in what other affiliates are doing to support organizational memberships? Do you offer these? What do you charge? How many do you have? How do you recruit? What are the perks you offer?

So glad you asked this question! I, too, am interested in hearing what other affiliates are offering. RIEEA charges $75 for an organizational membership. This gets your org the following:
*RIEEA membership newsletter
*Discounts on RIEEA sponsored events for staff, including conferences and professional development opportunities
*Eligibility for professional development scholarships for staff and volunteers
*One free registration for the RIEEA annual meeting/conference
*Exposure through a link on to your website
*“Shout out” for your organization through our social media channels
*Opportunity to post upcoming professional development opportunities and job opportunities on
*Option to put up a display at the RIEEA annual meeting/conference
*Opportunity to post events and programs on RIEEA listserv
*Opportunity to display program info, etc. whenever RIEEA sets up informational booth/table at another organization's event

We offer organizational memberships at $60/year. Currently, we have 14 organizational members and the one perk we offer is displaying your logo during our annual Environmental Literacy Summit. Right now, we are in the process of conducting a statewide inventory of programs and are trying to figure out how organizational membership might play into this (will we highlight those organizations or give them a different level of access to the information?) Overall, memberships of all varieties are something we are in discussion about.

We are having the same discussion. We moving towards not having a basic membership fee (no real benefits), only membership fees for professional, organizational and honorary membership. Has anyone else tried this? Jeanne, thank for sharing the benefits you give and Eileen, we have the same questions you do. If you currently have no basic membership fee, how does that work for your organization? Our question is do people still see a perceived value of the organization now that they are not paying a membership fee. Has not having a membership fee affected your income for the organization and how do you make that up? We have more questions than answers I guess, but we would appreciate any in put you could share. Thanks!!

Have you considered surveying your members? We tossed around the idea of whether membership held any value for us but we quickly found out that many of our members most definitely wanted to be members and did not want us to do away with this so we tabled that idea but have been focusing on increasing our organizational memberships.

Our organizational membership fee is $100. We give a free organizational membership as one of the perks for conference sponsors of $500+. Our organizational membership includes listing on our website with logo and a blurb about them with a link to their site ( It also includes listing 3 individual members from the company to receive member benefits. Currently we only have about 19 org members but I think that is because we have not heavily promoted it so that is something we are working on. I think its easier to provide perks for organizational members than for individual members. Anyway, thanks everyone for the feedback on what your affiliate is doing!