Superintendents' EE Collaborative--How Can You Help? | eePRO @ NAAEE

The home of environmental education professional development

Superintendents' EE Collaborative--How Can You Help?

As leading partners in the newly formed Superintendents' Environmental Education Collaborative (SEEC), PLT and NAAEE are working to connect school district leaders from across the country to partners and resources that will help them as they look to expand or introduce EE into the curriculum. This is a tremendous opportunity to increase systemic integration of EE in K-12 schools! It’s also an opportunity for you to strengthen partnerships between the non-formal EE community, state agencies, and formal education leaders and decision-makers, as well as to bolster the leadership of PLT Coordinators and NAAEE Affiliates in advancing environmental literacy.

Recently we participated in the American Association of School Administrators (AASA) meeting in New Orleans. We held a session on environmental education and the ESSA for over 60 participants. Later that day we sponsored a field trip to the bayou of Louisiana for 93 education leaders.

We are encouraging you to reach out to the district leaders in your state . Attached is a survey distributed after the AASA session that will give you an idea of what superintendents are looking for in their districts.
You can use the attached "Leaders interested in SEEC by state" to find out who has expressed an interest in the collaborative. Of course you should reach out to other district leaders, too!

So what would we like you to do? Set up a meeting with district leaders in your state. If possible, both NAAEE and PLT representatives could meet together with the district leaders. Here are some things you could discuss and share:
• Offer your support to school system leaders as they look for ideas, resources, and programs to expand EE.
• Share the NAAEE and PLT materials and professional development opportunities in your state.
• Offer to leave behind a set of curriculum materials for their review or to share with their curriculum coordinators.
• Share information about SEEC (e.g. SEEC's website or Twitter page)
• Invite superintendents to participate in the next SEEC webinar on May 2.
Let us know if you have questions about how to engage with school district leaders or want to know more about SEEC and how PLT and NAAEE are working together on this initiative!

Sarah and Kathy

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PDF icon aasa_session_survey_data_summary_small_file_size.pdf4.64 MB