Spirituality & EE Practices | eePRO @ NAAEE

The home of environmental education professional development

Spirituality & EE Practices

I just came across The BTS Center's Earthbound Practices (linked below), and I really enjoyed their "Trailside Practice - Body Prayer." I can see that practice and most likely their other ones being easy to integrate into both environmental education and spiritual settings. The BTS Center comes primarily from a Christian perspective, but the body prayer practice wasn't too explicitly Christian in my opinion.

Are there practices that incorporate spirituality and EE that you like and use?

Deborah, I haven't heard that they're closing, and they're having an event on Wednesday where they'll be sharing about new content they've been developing (linked below). Are you thinking of the Bangor Theological Seminary closing? If so, to my understanding, The BTS Center is the private foundation that formed when the seminary closed, but it seems like they're still doing some great work!