Survey for assessing science interests, attitudes, and experiences | eePRO @ NAAEE

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Survey for assessing science interests, attitudes, and experiences

Hi all,
We have a survey for upper elementary and middle school students that assesses factors related to their science interests, beliefs, and experiences. Our article comparing its usefulness for assessing the two groups was just published open access:

If anyone is interested in using either survey (we also have an adult version that is still being validated), please don't hesitate to reach out to me,, and I'd be happy to share a copy with you.


Measuring science capital, science attitudes, and science experiences in elementary and middle school students

Educators and researchers have been struggling for decades to isolate and measure the factors that contribute to science career decisions. However, there are limited instruments available to measure these factors, particularly across different educational levels. This study describes the adaptation and characteristics of the middle school NextGen Scientist Survey as an assessment for elementary students. Internal validity of the survey was investigated using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Also, measurement invariance between the surveys for middle school and elementary students and across gender was examined. Confirmatory factor analyses found a 5-factor solution for both surveys. Partial scalar invariance across elementary and middle school students could be confirmed, i.e., the factor means can be compared across groups. Furthermore, full scalar invariance can be assumed for gender. Altogether, the NextGen Scientist Survey is a valid assessment that can be used across elementary and middle school educational levels.

PDF icon measuring_science_capital.pdf501.95 KB