Participate in my Research? | eePRO @ NAAEE

The home of environmental education professional development

Participate in my Research?

My name is Gina Patton. I am a Graduate Student at the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point pursuing a masters in Environmental Education and Interpretation. My thesis research is designed to explore the professional identity of environmental educators. I am seeking members of EEPro who would be interested in participating in my research by attending an online Zoom focus group on Friday, October 29th at noon. If you choose to participate, I will be leading the focus group in three guided exercises, each approximately 20 minutes long, designed to encourage you to explore and reflect on your professional identity. If you would like to volunteer, please RSVP with your name and e-mail at this Sign-Up Genius link . If more than ten people respond, a second focus group may be formed and scheduled. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Gina Patton, Graduate Assistant, The Central Wisconsin Environmental Station