Guidelines Poster Template? | eePRO @ NAAEE

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Guidelines Poster Template?

I've been selected to share the Community Engagement Guidelines at the 2019 River Rally (annual River Network conference) in Cleveland, Ohio in poster format (not a session).
I'm curious if anyone else has ever shared any of the Guidelines through a poster at a conference and if so, would you be willing to share your poster via pdf to this thread? It would be helpful to see how others have done it.
Also, after I create my poster, I will be sure to share it as well.
Thanks in advance.
Sarah Johnson

I'm looking for some constructive feedback on my draft 36inx48in poster (see pdf file below). What am I missing? Any content errors? Suggestions?
Thank you!

Sounds like I'll be presenting this poster at the Colorado Trout Unlimited annual Rendezvous/conference and River Network's annual River Rally.

PDF icon community_engagement_poster_draft.pdf6.64 MB

Sarah - Nice job. I do think this might be a first. We've certainly created a lot of presentations and facilitated a lot of workshops, but I don't know that we've ever created a poster.

What you have included is great. My biggest concern is that there's a lot to read and some of the text seems small (at least on my computer). I might think about taking out one of the sample Guidelines in Practice pages and I might take out one of the Sample Guidelines pages - just to provide an opportunity to make the font size a bit bigger and provide a bit more white space. In reality, I don't think most people will read these pages. My guess is that they will skim the formatting. If you are going to be hosting the poster, you could have a copy of the guidelines to show anyone who seems particularly interested and/or hang a couple of same pages next to the poster (obviously, this all depends on the set up and you don't want the samples to walk away).

Although I always like having background on the project (and appreciate that you did), I might think about cutting the introductory paragraphs down a bit - perhaps deleting the first sentence of the second paragraph and leading with ... Quality environmental education programs...

That might allow you to increase the font a bit. In particular, if you can increase the font, I'd try to increase the font on the sentence: The Community Engagement Guidelines focus on ... I might even bold it. It's kind of the theme sentence.

Finally, you probably know this audience. But, I wonder if they think of themselves as environmental educators? We did a workshop on the Community Engagement Guidelines with forest professionals last year. We edited some of the language to talk about 'educators' and 'professionals.' We wanted to make sure the group thought of this as applying to their work and not just something an "environmental educator" might do.

It will be great to hear how this goes. The poster is a great idea and looks quite professional.

I agree with Bora's comments. A session poster is basically interpretive signage with the advantage of having an interpreter present during the viewing. The color and variety are good but I suggest you follow the rule that "less is more." Look at all parts of the poster and see what text you have that would be better explained by you and hard copies of the Guidelines and weed that out in favor of more white space and a less busy poster. Like any good interpretive signage, you want it to cause people to ask questions, not just read part of it and move on.

Sarah, to add to Bora and Bob. I might move the Community Engagement sentence to the top. Remove the 1st paragraph and leave the second. You can have a copy of the guide there for people to look through or they can look it up. Speaking of that- I would move the "Free 100 pg resource" to be next to the "take a picture of this website" so it's easy to connect. Consider using QR codes. We have debates about whether or not people use them but it's a simple way for people to link right to the guidelines.
Also, I would take out the page pictures all together. The key characteristic page I would not replace. For the In practice pages, use the pictures and summarize the text and maybe have some examples of resources. This should free up space to enlarge font size, but still get the point across.

Agree with everything said here-- great suggestions! I would actually consider putting a QR code under the little download graphic as well as putting the QR code in the bottom right corner with free download... which will allow you to remove the ProTip box (I do like the graphic). I would also include NAAEE Guidelines Trainer Bureau to your signature line - I know it is at the top, but I think putting it at the bottom would be good as well.

Hi Sarah,

Awesome work!

"Ditto" to the above comments. I agree that the pages down at the bottom might be taking up space that could be better utilized. I like the idea of having a few pages or the entire printed copy of the Guidelines for folks to look through. A QR code is also a super idea. I think either of these are a great way for viewers to explore beyond the poster to whatever level they are interested in.

Excited to hear how this goes! It's always fun to interact with new audiences.

Not sure whether it's too late but I am in agreement with Bora. I think it's awesome and like the lay out. Liked the way you outlined the 5 characteristics and chose one to dive into. I agree thought that the print is too small for anyone who is standing to read ( no matter how motivated). If you could somehow synthesize Example in Key Characteristic and Guidelines in practice that would make the poster more engaging.

Thank you all for your input!
Attached is the final version as a pdf. Remember it is a 3ft/4ft poster, so the text will not be huge on your computer screen, but will be fine when printed.
I would like to share the powerpoint file with all of you via the Guidelines Trainers Bureau google drive folders so you can use it for your needs.
I'll be presenting this poster twice: April 27 at the Colorado Trout Unlimited annual conference in Glenwood Springs Colorado, and June 22 at River Network's annual River Rally in Cleveland Ohio.
I think sharing the Guidelines out of our typical EE circles is worth doing more as they could really help folks get started. I encourage us all to consider opportunities to do so.
Thanks again! - Sarah

PDF icon community_engagement_poster.pdf6.2 MB