Currently, we have 56 country profiles from around the world, each providing a snapshot of environmental education at the national level. We know there are more efforts happening around the world and we want to hear from you. Learn more and submit a country profile:
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Hi Nina: I've not kept up with GEEP's activities and expansion, so please pardon this if it is a duplication of past/recent efforts. Over the past 15 years, when I have worked with colleagues from other nations on environmental literacy assessments, one of the starting points has always been a review of the historical development of EE in each nation. Kyung-Im Noh was the first to prepare such a description, in her case for South Korea. Mehmet Erdogan did this for Turkey, Gonen Sagy prepared a good first draft for Israel, Yan Zhu did this for Mainland China, and Adel Althubyani prepared a good overview for Saudi Arabia. If you are interested in any of the work they have done, I would be happy to share with you contact information for them.