Research Study on EE/PBE and Antiracism | eePRO @ NAAEE

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Research Study on EE/PBE and Antiracism

Hi everyone,

I am co-leading a research study that involves interviewing environmental and place-based educators (broadly defined, including P-12 classroom teachers, garden-based educators, farm-based educators, food educators) about their understanding of antiracism and the ways that their work might disrupt or dismantle white supremacy. We are particularly interested in hearing from people who have been marginalized and those who do explicit justice-oriented education.

Is this study interests you, or if you know someone who would be a good participant, please use/share this link to indicate consent and provide contact information:

We would then send participants an email to set up a 45-minute interview over Zoom. We are collecting data for the next couple months, so there is plenty of time to schedule an interview.

Again, feel free to pass this information and link on to anyone you think might be a good fit for this study.

Please reach out if you have any questions!

Scott Morrison
Elon University