Teaching Environmental Justice to Middle School | eePRO @ NAAEE

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Teaching Environmental Justice to Middle School

I am looking for some resources on teaching Environmental Justice to my 7/8 grade class. They focus on social justice in with their homeroom teacher and I would love to connect their environmental goals to this social justice line. Does anyone know of projects and or curriculum to promote this.

Hi Emma, have you checked out the Zinn Project? They have good resources on justice topics: https://www.zinnedproject.org/teaching-materials/explore-by-theme The Morningside Center in NYC has a series called Teachable Moments. You can enter a search term and find justice focused lessons: https://www.morningsidecenter.org/teachable-moment#views-exposed-form-te... and WE ACT for Environmental Justice created mini lessons on EJ for students in grades 4-12: https://www.weact.org/home-3-2/getinvolved/education/mini-modules/ Hope this helps.

I love the resource sharing in this thread! Thank you, Emily and Bess for the recommendations!

Emma, EcoRise has a middle school unit introducing environmental justice (EJ.) It needs to be ordered, but it is free. And if you're able, please let us know how connecting social justice to environmental outcomes goes in your classrooms. It's very exciting to learn how EJ is integrated with other school subjects.