2020 Guidelines for Excellence Small Grant Opportunities | eePRO @ NAAEE

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2020 Guidelines for Excellence Small Grant Opportunities

2020 Guidelines for Excellence Small Grant Opportunities:

Application Deadline February 5, 2020

We are pleased to announce two, Guidelines for Excellence small grant opportunities.

Grant #1 provides funds to help defray the cost of sponsoring one or more Guidelines for Excellence workshops. The award ($500 - $1000) is meant to defray costs of organizing and holding the workshop(s) (e.g., staff time, advertising, facility rental, supplies, coffee breaks, lunch). 4-8 grants will be awarded. Please see attached RFP and application form for details.

Grant #2 is intended to facilitate the development of Affiliate level Guidelines Trainers’ Bureaus, building capacity at the state and regional levels for offering on-going support and training for Guidelines Trainers’ Bureau members. The award ($1000) is meant to defray costs of organizing and holding workshops (e.g., staff time, advertising, facility rental, supplies, coffee breaks, lunch) as well as staff time and other costs of creating a long-term plan for hosting an Affiliate sponsored Guidelines Trainers’ Bureau. Three grants will be awarded. Please see attached RFP and application form for details.

How to Apply? See the attached RFP.

Deadline? February 5, 2020

Questions? Please contact Bora Simmons at borasimmons@gmail.com.

DISCLAIMER: Final selection of grant recipients and awarding of the grants will not be completed until our ee360 budgets have been finalized.

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