Results from the Rhode Island EE: Inventory of Current Practices Survey | eePRO @ NAAEE

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Results from the Rhode Island EE: Inventory of Current Practices Survey

I'm very excited to share with you all the results of the Environmental Education: Inventory of Current Practices survey that was developed in Fall 2017 and administered to Rhode Island teachers and administrators in Spring 2018 by the Rhode Island Environmental Education Association (RIEEA). The purpose of the survey, which was generously supported by the Pisces Foundation and the Rhode Island Foundation, was to gain an accurate understanding of the current state of environmental education in Rhode Island schools and to assess what educators need to successfully implement environmental education practices.

I've attached a summary, the full report, and the actual survey questions. Please note that survey questions 4-27 were for those respondents who identified as teachers and questions 28-52 were for those respondents who identified as administrators. There were some surprising and interesting findings, and we're looking forward sharing the tool at the NAAEE Conference in Spokane where we'll discuss the development and implementation of the survey tool, consider how to conduct a similar inventory of current practices in your state/area, and the successful partnerships that were informed by the results.

PDF icon rieea_survey_report_exec_summary_2018.07.19.pdf391.3 KB
PDF icon rieea_survey_report_final_2018.07.13.pdf1.91 MB
PDF icon rieea_survey_final.pdf1.24 MB

Thanks for sharing, Jeanine! I look forward to reading the report, and I appreciate that you've provided the summary, full report, and instrument. This is a big undertaking! Interested to hear about your intended next steps, as well. Congratulations!

Thanks for sharing. I found it interesting that the administrators preferred to bring guests into the classroom. I work at a biological field station, and we do get a few requests each year for researchers to participate in career day events, but I wonder if we should try to do more classroom visits.

Good idea! And if you do that, I'd suggest going through the admins instead of the teachers to make your first connection since they're the ones that seem to be likely to see the benefit of it.

Thanks for sharing the Rhode Island EE survey report, and for including the raw survey questions! We are building a survey right now for PA as part of a NOAA B-WET project and using other surveys to inform and design this new PA survey including 2 surveys from WI (, a NOAA Chesapeake Bay environmental literacy Indicator Tool survey, and a prior PA E-Lit survey.

RIEEA is very excited to announce that we now have an interactive dashboard of the results from our teacher/administrator survey that was given this past winter/spring. You can select all types of filters on five different categories and see a visual representation of the data/results. So, for example, if you want to see what elementary teachers in urban school settings see as the barriers to doing EE, or which EE issues middle school science teachers who've had professional development in EE teach as compared to those teachers who haven't had that same amount of PD, you can search for that. It's a ton of fun!

You can find it here:

Thank you to everyone who helped with this project, especially our survey and dashboard designer and analyst, Susan Gracia.