Blog for Affiliates

NAAEE Affiliate Network Logo

Affiliate leaders are needed to help inform a new Affiliate Fund at NAAEE. We anticipate engaging approximately 8 individuals, including Affiliate leaders to advise the design of an RFP and serve as reviewers for funding requests.

Background of a desert landscape, but in front, on the left, there is a purple transparency box with white text that is included in the body of this post. On the right, in front, are three photos of a cactus, a bobcat, and a building. On the bottom left is an illustration of a roadrunner

Join us for our return to an in-person gathering in beautiful Tucson or participate online with our virtual program. NAAEE’s 2022 conference will focus on the powerful role education can play in creating healthier communities and tackling today’s complex environmental and social issues. Register today!

"B-WET 20 years and growing" blue text next to light blue water drop illustration with two people and a plant inside

Visit the B-WET 20th-anniversary website for stories that illustrate how the B-WET program has impacted students, schools, and communities over the past 20 years. And look for B-WET posts highlighting #BWET20andGROWING on NOAA Education’s social media and B-WET’s Facebook page on August 8-19.

Students visited the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute to learn how seagrass levels have been impacted in the Indian River.
Students visited the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute to learn how seagrass levels have been impacted in the Indian River. Photo credit: Christian Adair.

Environmental educator Danny Woolums shares how Lexington youth are connecting with their communities and local ecosystems through the CEE-Change Fellowship.

eeCREDENTIALS Start-Up Grant

NAAEE requests proposals from NAAEE Affiliates for eeCREDENTIALS start-up grants funded through ee360+, NAAEE’s partnership with US EPA. These grants are intended to assist Affiliates to build the required digital infrastructure and prepare to deliver approved online courses and micro-credentials (eeCOURSES and eeCREDENTIALS) at the state, provincial, and regional levels.